Dissemination to large audience
B. Mitu, Textile materials with electromagnetic shielding and flame retardant properties are highly demanded, Manunet Magazine,
June 2020
Textile ETP news
Newsletter n°15 – 2021
List of participation to international conferences
1. L. Surdu, I.R. Rădulescu, B.Mitu, C. Morari, Copper and stainless steel plasma coated woven fabrics for EMI shielding, CPPA2021 - 19th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications, Book of Abstracts, August 31- September 3 2021, Magurele, Romania, pp.48 (oral presentation, O16)
2. I.R. Radulescu, L. Surdu, E. Visileanu, I. Sandulache, C. Morari, B. Mitu, The gain in shiedling effectiveness achieved by superposition of stainles steel plasma coated woven fabrics, The 10th International Conference Texteh 2021, Online event - 21 - 22 October 2021
3. I.R. Radulescu, E. Visileanu, R. Scarlat, B. Mitu, Comparative life cycle assessment study for fabric based electromagnetic shielding, ICAMS 2020 – 8th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems
4. I.R. Radulescu, L. Surdu, E. Visileanu, B. Mitu, A. Ardeleanu, V. Satulu, M. Badic, C. Morari, Electromagnetic shielding achieved by plasma coated fabrics - AUTEX2019 – 19th World Textile Conference on Textiles at the Crossroads, 11-15 June 2019, Ghent, Belgium
5. L. Surdu, I.R. Rădulescu, B. Mitu, Electromagnetic Shielding out of plasma coated woven fabrics, TexTeh IX, 24-25 October 2019, Bucharest, Romania (poster presentation)
6. L. Surdu, A. Ardeleanu, E. Visileanu, I.R. Rădulescu, M. Badic, C. Morari, B. Mitu, Fabrics for Buildtech electromagnetic shields based on plasma magnetron sputtering, TexTehIX, 24-25 October 2019, Bucharest, Romania (oral presentation)
7. A.A. Ardeleanu, C. Stancu, L. Surdu, E. Visileanu, I-R. Radulescu, M. Badic, C. Morari, B. Mitu, Fabrics with electromagnetic shielding properties achieved by magnetron sputtering deposition, XVIII International Conference on Plasma Physics and Application, 20th–22nd June 2019, Iasi, Romania (poster presentation, P3-18)
8. G. Rombola, V. Gianotti, M. Milanesio, L. Palin, E.A. Basso, M. Setaro, L. Surdu, B. Mitu, LDH/POSS nanoadditives for improved fire resistance in cotton textiles, Industrial Workshop on Recent Advances in Technical textiles, TexTehIX, 25th October, 2019 (oral presentation)
9. V. Satulu, B. Mitu, I.R. Radulescu, R.M. Aileni, G. Dinescu, Preparation of superhydrophobic cotton fabrics based on fluorocarbon compounds by plasma methods, poster ID 512, 24th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 24), Sunday – Friday, 9 June – 14 June 2019, Naples
10. L. Surdu, R.M. Aileni, R.I. Radulescu, L. Chiriac, Research regarding electromagnetic shielding achieved by the fabrics support, 7th Edition of the International Conference on Intelligent Textiles & Mass Customisation - ITMC 2019 / Smart Textiles Salon Vol.7 – STS 2019- November 13-15, 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco (oral presentation)
11. L. Surdu, R.M. Aileni, R.I. Radulescu, L. Chiriac, B. Mitu, Fabrics with electromagnetic shielding properties achieved by magnetron sputtering deposition, Technical Textiles - Present and Future Symposion; Iasi; Romania, November 15, 2019 (poster presentation)
12. L. Surdu, I.R. Rădulescu, B. Mitu, Research regarding achievement electromagnetic shields based on textile substrates, Simpozion AGIR – Progresul Tehnologic Rezultat al Cercetarii Ediția a XIV –a / 9 mai 2019 (oral presentation)
13. B. Mitu, V. Satulu, R.I. Radulescu, L. Surdu, G. Dinescu, Plasma deposition of textiles for obtaining electromagnetic shielding and fire-retardant properties, 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, September 17 - 21, 2018, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany (poster presentation)
14. R.I. Radulescu, L. Surdu, E. Visileanu, Fabric’s testing and modelling for prediction of shielding effectiveness, VI Scientific – Vocational Conference with international participation: Development tendencies in the textile industry – Design, Technology, Management, 27.06.2018, Belgrade, Serbia (conference proceedings)
15. L. Surdu, E. Visileanu, I.R. Rădulescu, Metode noi de investigare pentru determinarea caracteristicilor materialelor textile funcționalizate, Simpozion PROGRESUL TEHNOLOGIC-REZULTAT AL CERCETARII, editia a XIII-a, București, 26 aprilie 2018
16. I.R. Rădulescu, L. Surdu, E. Visileanu, M. Costea, B. Mitu, Ecranarea câmpului electromagnetic apropiat prin structuri textile țesute, Simpozion PROGRESUL TEHNOLOGIC-REZULTAT AL CERCETARII, editia a XIII-a, București, 26 aprilie 2018
17. S.D. Stoica, V. Satulu, T. Acsente, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, Monitoring the hydrogenated/fluorinated carbon layers deposition by Optical Emission Spectroscopy, ESCAMPIG XXIV, Glasgow, Scotland, July 17-21, 2018
18. I.C. Constantin, A.A. Ardeleanu, V. Marascu, C. Stancu, B. Mitu, G. Dinescu, Improvement of Cu magnetron sputtering deposition process for textile fabrics application, The 6th International Colloquium “Physics of materials” (PM 6) 15-16 November 2018 Bucharest, Romania